The place for your



We are coming into a new age, a new era, a new Earth...

You have a deep calling within you. You have important work to do. You might not know the full extent of what that means for you right now, but you know you have to follow where you’re being guided.

You can feel change on the horizon. A deep, cellular change within. We are awakening, changing, evolving.

This process hasn’t been an easy one - this spiritual and awakening journey. It’s been confusing, intense, eye opening. It’s even made you feel crazy at times - and you’re definitely not alone in this. You’re not like everyone else. You never really “fit in.” There’s a reason for that though. You don’t fit into this world because you’re here to bring the change that’s needed. You’re here to BE the change and to help others bring change too. That’s why you found your way here. People like you and me - we’re here to help each other rise.

But in order to rise, we need to understand the way the world is changing. We need to understand that the world doesn’t work like it used to. We’re being called into our power within; our ENERGY. To remember that we are powerful creators; energy beings here to have a human experience. We’re being called into that remembering now. To access our power and to use our energy to create the life we were meant to live.

When we learn how to access our power within, the outside world becomes a playground. Everything on the outside is a reflection of what is happening within. As we work to create harmony, ease, peace and love within, that becomes reflected in the outside world. As we change within, we create change without. We are the portals bringing change to this world.

You are ready to harness your great power within. You are ready to access your deepest wisdom, deepest guidance and soul aligned action. You are ready to open your consciousness and open your heart.

You know that the heart is the key to your unfolding. It is the key to accessing your highest truth. It’s the key to your higher self, it’s the key to your soul. You are ready to let your heart lead you - in life, in business, in relationships…in all ways. You are ready to let your heart open, expand and lead you to the most blissful, immaculate life.

Your heart has been calling you to deepen with it - and that’s why you’ve found your way here.






I’m so excited you’re here!

My name is Stephanie Ablett and I’m here to help you EXPAND - in energy, in consciousness and in your concept of self. I’m here to be your energy alchemist, your quantum guide, your expansion mentor. You are an energy being here having a human existence and it’s time to let go of the confusion, to step into your mission and the reason why you’re here - to be YOU!

When we work together, I help ACTIVATE and EXPAND dormant energy within you that is ready to be actualized so that you can step more fully into your expression, your mission and the path your soul is leading you on.

If you’re here, you are ready to EXPAND m’love!





the programs

Sacred Heart and Sacred Body are two of Stephanie’s signature programs that help you to rise into a new way of being, living and doing. These programs are revolutionary and allow you to begin to access higher frequencies, higher realities and higher dimensions. These programs move you into your deepest truths and your true power as a creator being. Allowing you to lead with your heart; vibrating at the frequency of your heart.

Everything changes when you gain full access to your heart. Your whole BE-ing changes. As you move into your sacred heart, you begin to understand your sacred body and sacred frequency, which can open you up to receive your sacred path, creating sacred wealth. Oneness, wholeness, worthiness, receiving.




Working with Stephanie

I’m here to support you to EXPAND in all ways.

When we work together, we work with ENERGY, FREQUENCY and VIBRATION. This is an energetic universe and all things exist as energy first. As our collective consciousness is expanding, we are moving into this knowing and now have to take this into account in order to create the lives we’re desiring to live.

SO MUCH is available to us through our energy and vibration. As we raise our vibration and tune into higher frequencies, we become attuned to the things that resonate at that level - that are held in those higher frequencies. Higher frequencies are synonymous with elevated emotions - like love, compassion, peace, prosperity, kindness, oneness and connection. That means as we attune ourselves to the higher frequencies, we gain access to things that are held in the energy of these elevated emotions. We begin to create lives that are filled with love, compassion, peace, prosperity, abundance and connection.

Through these higher energies, emotions and states of being, we are able to release the density that is held in the body - the old programs, old thoughts and emotions. The heavier energies and emotions can be processed and released, to allow you to feel a greater sense of ease, understanding of self and self compassion and love.

When we work together, I help you to connect with these energies. Through my programs, we connect you with your heart and soul frequency, to give you a greater understanding and ability to access these higher frequencies and energies. These higher states allow you to recognize the higher message and lesson in all that you experience, holding a higher vision for your life.

We connect you with your guidance team (guides, angels, ancestors, the Council of Light and your higher self) who do the majority of the work for you, through you, as you surrender and open yourself to their love and support. We begin to open your field to the oneness contained within it.

This is the revolutionary way to access the greatest expansion in your life; connecting you with the complex inner workings of your body and energy. You are a creator here to create. Together we lead you through the heart, to your highest vision, for your highest good - and the highest good of all.


